The Austin Core Transportation (ACT) Plan is a study of transportation and mobility options into, out of, through, and within Downtown Austin. The plan will coordinate with and facilitate several major downtown projects. It takes into account the latest information about the I-35 Capital Express Central project, Project Connect, and the Palm District Planning Initiative. The ACT Plan is being led by the Austin Transportation Department.

This Phase 2 open house and survey reflects the preferences from Phase 1 survey respondents. It presents options about potential tradeoffs of downtown street space in order to potentially accommodate protected bicycle/micromobility (scooter) lanes and transit-priority lanes. It will also ask your opinion about converting one-way streets to two-way operation in the future. This survey should take about 10-15 minutes to complete. If you have any questions or issues regarding the survey or the ACT Plan, please visit our ACT Plan website or email

The ACT Plan applies to Downtown Austin, which is bound by Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard to the north, Lamar Boulevard to the west, Lady Bird Lake to the south and Interstate 35 to the east.