Question title

Please rank the following goals from most to least important when thinking about what your housing choices offer you/your family.

Question title

Please rank the following community factors from most to least important when choosing a place to live:

Question title

Please rank the following impacts from most to least important when considering the community impact of affordable housing:

Question title

Please select each type of housing that you believe should be used to provide affordable housing in the City of Hendersonville.

You may select more than one.

Select a response

Question title

Please select each statement that you agree with below.

You may select more than one.

Select a response

Question title

Please select each statement that you agree with below.

You may select more than one.

Select a response

Question title

Please select each statement that you agree with below.

You may select more than one.

Select a response

Question title

What do you believe contributes most to housing challenges in the City of Hendersonville?

Please choose all that apply and rank your choices in order of priority.

Question title

Which of the following would help you most in obtaining housing in the City of Hendersonville?

Please choose all that apply and rank your choices in order of priority.

Question title

What concerns, if any, do you have about affordable housing in the City of Hendersonville?

Please select all that apply.

Select a response

Question title

What is your personal story or experience with regards to housing?

We ask the following questions to ensure we are hearing from the entire community.

Question title

Where do you live?

Select a response

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What is your age?

Select a response

Question title

What is your race/ethnicity?

Select a response

Question title

How many people live in your household?

Select a response

Question title

Which of these categories describes your household income last year?

Please include income from all working members of your household.

Select a response

Question title

Which of these statements is most applicable to you?

Select a response

Question title

How much of your monthly household income do you spend on housing costs (Mortgage/Rent, Utilities, etc.)?

Select a response

Question title

Let us know approximately where you live!

Your response helps us better understand and reach all parts of our City.

Question title

* Want to receive updates on Hendersonville's Strategic Housing Plan? Enter your email below!

For an overview of affordable housing concepts from housing policy expert Shane Phillips, check out this short video: