Cary has heard concerns regarding the traffic conditions along Preston Village Way, specifically along the segment north of Circle on the Green.  This corridor serves and connects several communities so staff have developed a concept that we believe will enhance the neighborhood character while still supporting the vehicle traffic and emergency access commensurate with a Collector Street. 

Determination of Need

Staff completed traffic counts in August of 2019, the results of which are discussed in the Traffic Report posted to the Documents section.

To better calibrate the design in response to community feedback, staff repeated and expanded the data collection in August of 2023.  The complete Traffic Data Summary, which includes comparisons to the 2019 data, is posted below in the Documents section.

Community Acceptance

Our initial community survey was conducted during January and February of 2023.  The Survey Results and Comment Response are posted in the Documents section below.

Based on the poll results, Cary staff coordinated with the Preston Village HOA and modified the concept design to better reflect the feedback received during the initial community survey.  The updated Concept Design is posted below to the Documents section.

A second community survey was conducted in November and December of 2023 to gather input on the updated design.  The Survey Results and Comment Response are posted in the Documents section below.

Any additional input can be provided by emailing the Cary Project Manger using the link below.

Appropriation of Funds

As a Collector Street project, improvements to Preston Village Way will be funded 100% by Cary.  An Engineer's Estimate is posted to the Documents section below for review.

Detailed Design & Bidding

Staff finalized the design and solicited bids for construction of the four (4) speed humps along Preston Village Way.  A bid from the lowest responsive bidder was accepted and staff are proceeded with contracting and implementation. 

Design is continuing for the All-Way Stop proposed for the Walcott/Parmalee intersection; updates will be posted here when available.


Speed hump construction was completed in April of 2024.

A schedule for construction of the All-Way Stop will be provided when available.


Cary staff have been working with this community for several years with our engagement efforts being heavily impacted by the pandemic.  Staff received a letter of support from the Preston Village Community Association and developed a concept for traffic calming (speed humps) and accommodations to promote alternate travel modes (bike lanes) to align with Cary's Community Plan.  Both of these concepts were presented to the residents of Preston Village for feedback during the initial community survey. 

As detailed in the Comment Response document, while the initial survey did show support from the community for traffic calming, it did not provide sufficient clarity on the design elements for staff to recommend proceeding to bidding and construction at that time.  Based on the feedback received, staff collaborated with the Preston Village HOA, collected additional data, and modified the Concept Design (as shown in the Documents section below).  In an effort to tailor this project more to the needs and concerns of the community, staff have incorporated the following:

  • Reduced the number of speed humps from 5 to 4, both to improve mobility and to allow for additional improvements to be focused to the intersection of Walcott/Parmalee and Preston Village, which was a consistent topic in the comments.
  • Added improvements to calm traffic and improve pedestrian mobility at the intersection of Walcott/Parmalee and Preston Village
    • Staff first proposed two (2) options for this intersection to give the community opportunity to voice their preference.
    • A survey was provided to allow community members to "vote" on these options.
    • Community members indicated a preference toward the All-Way Stop configuration.
  • Removed the bike lanes from the concept design so that residents along Preston Village are able to maintain their ability to park on the street when needed.

Those we believe will be directly impacted by this project have been included in the project influence area, but all impacted citizens are encouraged to engage in the process.

​Please review all of the Documents in the section below, particularly the Traffic Data Summary, Concept Design, and Engineer's Estimate, for additional information. 

Survey Results, a Survey Summary and a Comment Response from the recent follow-up survey are posted to Documents section as well.

Based on the community feedback received, staff are proceeding with the construction of four (4) speed humps as shown on the Concept Design Plan.  In addition, staff will be continuing to develop the design for an All-Way Stop with medians at the Walcott/Parmalee intersection.  Staff will be collaborating with community representatives to ensure the finalized design is acceptable to the neighborhood.

Any additional feedback can be provided by emailing the Cary Project Manager directly using the link below.  All project updates will be provided to HOA and neighborhood representatives, as well as being posted here.  Cary staff are happy to meet directly with community representatives as we move through this process.

Cary Project Manager: Adam Pilarz, P.E., PTOE

In accordance with Cary's Traffic Calming Program policy, community engagement is the cornerstone of success.  Input can be provided at any time by contacting the Cary Project Manager.


Our second engagement survey is now closed - results will be posted soon.

Results from the initial engagement survey are available in the Documents section above.

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