Question title

Add your email below and click comment (we'll only use it for the raffle)

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Question title

What is your relationship to the Town of Cary? (select all that apply)

I live in Cary
I work in Cary
I go to school in Cary
I own a business in Cary
I live in the surrounding area
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Question title

How frequently do you bicycle for the following trips?

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Question title

Which types of trips would you like to do more often?

Commute to school or work
Leisure or recreation
Visiting friends, family, or neighbors
Dining or events
None, I'm happy with what I'm doing now
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Question title

Overall, which of the following best describes you as a bicyclist? (Select all that apply)

I don't currently bike, but I would be open to it if it felt safer
I enjoy bicycling but mainly on the greenways and street-side trails
I enjoy bicycling but mainly on slower neighborhood streets
I feel comfortable riding on streets that have separated bicycle lanes
I feel comfortable riding in mixed traffic even on busier streets without bicycle faculties
I don't ride a bike and don't plan to in the future
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Question title

What keeps you from biking more?

There aren't dedicated bikeways that take me where I want to go
Destinations are too far to reach by bicycle
Crossings on major roads feel unsafe/ uncomfortable
Too high of speeds along the routes I would like to use
Too much traffic along routes I would like to use
Insufficient bicycle parking at my destination
I don't see people like me bicycling
I don't own a bicycle
I don't feel respected by drivers
I'm physically limited from riding a bicycle
It's too difficult to travel as a family
Nothing, I bike regularly
Other (write in)
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Question title

When planning new bicycle facilities, which places do you think are the MOST important to prioritize?

(Select two)

Streets near greenways
Streets near transit stops (buses, train)
Streets near parks & schools
Neighborhood streets
Streets in downtown
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Question title

Would you like to receive more information about Bike Cary updates and events?

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Question title

Is there anything else you would like to tell us about bicycling in Cary?

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Question title

Add points to the map below!

The following questions are optional. We appreciate your feedback.

Question title

Please select your age group


Under 18
Over 65
Prefer not to say
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Question title

Please select your preferred gender


Non-binary / non-conforming
Prefer to Self Describe
Prefer not to say
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Question title

How do you describe your race / ethnicity?


Latino/a or Hispanic
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Native American Indian or Alaskan Native
Other (write in)
Prefer not to say
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Question title

What is your annual household income?


Prefer not to say
Over $200,000
$100,001 - $150,000
$150,001 - $200,000
$50,001 - $100,000
$25,001 - $50,000
Less than $25,000
Closed to responses | 733 Responses