Question title

Can you provide any names or addresses of black-owned, operated, or frequented entertainment venues popular between 1945-1975?

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Question title

Can you provide any names or addresses of black-owned, operated, or frequented churches popular between 1945-1975?

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Question title

Can you provide any names of black architects, builders, engineers, or landscape architects popular between 1945-1975?

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Question title

Can you provide any names or addresses of places, sites, or events that were important to the Civil Rights movement between 1945-1975?

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Question title

Are there any important black history sites, places, or events during 1945-1975 that we should research but aren't included in the project's areas of focus?

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Question title

Please help us identify places by dropping a pin and a comment on the map. If you can't remember the location, post your description of the place and approximate area in the comment box below the map.