If you missed the first focus group discussion Tuesday, March 30, complete the survey below and check out the recording at the bottom of the page!

Thank you for your interest in the Congress Heights Small Area Plan and the Transportation and Access focus area.

This focus area addresses transportation: how you move within and around Congress Heights, how you travel outside of Congress Heights, and the challenges you face commuting to and from work. In addition to car access, this focus area will take a look at all modes of transportation, including transit, micromobility (scooters and bikes), as well as pedestrian access and safety.

Start providing critical feedback by scrolling down and answering the survey questions below. Your feedback will be critical in shaping the direction of this plan and future plan recommendations.

Nearly half of Congress Heights residents do not have access to a personal vehicle, and 48% of residents commute to work by public transit. Congress Heights residents spend 3 days longer commuting than the average District resident each year. Use of Capital Bikeshare increased by 180% during the pandemic.

What We've Heard

Over a series of meetings, research activities, and surveying, we have heard the following challenges and community priorities. Take a look and tell us if this is a summary you can get behind.


  • Public transit is not accessible to community workplaces or considered safe
  • Reduced transit service after hours and during the pandemic leave shift workers vulnerable to high rideshare fees, especially since the start of the pandemic
  • The Circulator is not as useful East of the River for community-to-community trips as it is for trips downtown
  • Traffic-calming measures are needed to slow down cars
  • Implemented street improvements are not intuitive to drivers and have resulted in unsafe conditions
  • Increased and brighter street lighting and other deterrents can help deter crime in streets and alleys
  • Community infrastructure improvements should take into account the increased use of autonomous vehicles
  • Investments should be made to improve the walking experience in the community, especially in light of the hilly terrain
  • New street investments should respond to an increased interest in bikes and scooters

Question title

Do these reflect the challenges you are facing and the issues most critical to this community? If not, please let us know what is missing, below! We will continue to update this list as we receive feedback from you.

Closed for Comments

Question title

In general, what transportation challenges do you face?

Concern about safety en route to or on public transit
Concern about safety while walking
Concern about safety while biking or using a scooter
Not enough transit stops near my home or destination
Public transit takes too long or requires too many transfers
Cost of transportation
I don't have access to a personal vehicle
Closed to responses | 5 Responses

Question title

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, what is the biggest transportation challenge you face?

Concern about personal health on public transit
Limited Metro access
Limited bus route availability
Cost of transportation
Closed to responses | 2 Responses

Question title

If you could improve one transportation challenge in your day to day movements what would it be?

Closed for Comments

Question title

Since the 2020 public health crisis, how has your use of bicycles and scooters changed?

No change
I use bicycles and scooters more now than I did prior to COVID-19
I use bicycles and scooters less than I did prior to COVID-19
Closed to responses | 3 Responses

Question title

What changes could be made to make transportation in Congress Heights safer? Check all that apply.

Improved quality of sidewalks and paths
Improved or increased number of crosswalks
Additional street or path lighting
Measures to slow traffic
Improved signage for vehicles and pedestrian crossings
Protected bicycle and scooter paths or lanes
Closed to responses | 5 Responses

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What are your primary modes of getting around; to work or school; for errands; for seeing friends and family?

Check all that apply.

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Do you feel safe traveling in your community while using any of the following modes?

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What streets do you feel are most comfortable for walking?

Using the maps below, add a dot or line where you feel most comfortable walking.

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Think about your commuting behavior on a typical day. Please draw a line indicating the distance you travel away from your home.

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Please provide your contact information for future meeting and other project updates.

The Congress Heights Small Area Plan is led by the Office of Planning (OP). The plan is managed by: 

  • Valecia Wilson, Ward 7 and 8 Planner, Project Manager
  • Faith Broderick, Community Planner, Assistant Project Manager

Questions? Reach out to us online at CongressHeightsPlan@dc.gov or on the phone at 855-925-2801 (pin: 9965). We looking forward to hearing from you.