Please view the Slideshow from the Public Meeting and take the survey that follows (it will take approximately 5-10 minutes.) 


Para tener acceso a la presentación y a la encuesta en Español, por favor presione aquí.

Question title

1. How often do you ride the bus?

Every day
Once or twice a week
Once or twice a month
Less than once a month
Closed to responses

Question title

2. Why do you currently use public transportation?

Run errands and go to appointments during the middle of the day
Travel to school
Meet friends and participate in social and recreational activities
Commute to work
I don't take the bus
Closed to responses

Question title

3. With service improvements, how would you like to use public transportation in the future?

Run errands and go to appointments during the middle of the day
Travel to school
Meet friends and participate in social and recreational activities
Commute to work
I don't want to take the bus
Closed to responses

Question title

4. Which Wake Transit improvement should happen first?

Add bus service to places that don’t have service or have limited service
Increase service where there are a lot of people, jobs and demand for transit service
Closed to responses

Question title

5. Which Wake Transit improvements are the most important to you? Please rank all options.

Closed to responses

6. Which Wake Transit projects should we prioritize in the next three years?

Please share your preference by picking one or the other in each box.

Question title

Increase bus service during commute times
Increase bus service during the middle of the day or evenings
Closed to responses

Question title

Increase bus service to towns that have limited service (peak period only)
Add bus service to towns that don’t have any service
Closed to responses

Question title

Increase weekday (start earlier and end later) bus service
Increase weekend bus service
Closed to responses

Question title

Improve existing bus stops (add amenities like shelters and benches)
Add more bus stops, even if they have fewer amenities
Closed to responses

Question title

Place bus stops further apart so bus is fast, direct and stops less
Place bus stops closer together, even if the bus is slower
Closed to responses

Question title

Invest in clean energy buses – higher cost and it will take longer to expand service but they are more efficient and produce less emissions
Purchase traditional diesel fueled buses – less efficient and produce more emissions but service can be expanded faster
Closed to responses

Question title

7. How should the Wake County Transit Plan prioritize large projects? Please select the top five factors you think we should consider. Projects that:

Have a high level of community support in area surrounding the project
Have a minimal impact on the environment
Have a lower overall project cost
Can be completed in the shortest amount of time and open for service quickly
Attract the most ridership
Have the potential to create jobs during construction and operation
Increase economic growth in the area they are located
Improve access to underserved neighborhoods
Closed to responses

Question title

8. Of the four options below, which two do you think are the most important? Projects that:

Reduce transit travel times
Provide a consistent travel time regardless of traffic conditions
Connect to destinations outside of Wake County
Connect residential areas of Wake County to job centers within Wake County
Closed to responses

Question title

9. How many automobiles, vans or trucks are kept at home for use by members of your household?

8 or more
Closed to responses

Question title

10. How many licensed drivers are in your household?

8 or more
Closed to responses

Question title

11. How would you describe yourself?

Native American
Closed to responses

Question title

12. Do you identify as Hispanic/Latino?

Closed to responses

Question title

13. What is the primary language you speak at home?

Closed to responses

Question title

* 14. What is your home zip code?

Question title

15. What’s the best way for us to stay in touch with you?

Public meetings that you attend in person
Exhibits at community events, fairs, sporting events, etc.
Local newspaper
Newsletters/fact sheets
Social media (Twitter, etc.)
Text messages
Closed to responses

Question title

16. How often would you like to be updated on Wake Transit improvements?

Twice a month
Closed to responses

Question title

17. What’s the easiest way for you to give us feedback on improving transit service?

Comment cards that can be mailed to us
Surveys on our website
Polls sent out on social media
In-person meetings
Phone calls
Closed to responses

Question title

18. What is your email address for updates on Wake Transit?

Thank you!