
One of the fundamental responsibilities of local government is planning – a word used to describe how a community shapes and guides growth and development. Updating the comprehensive plan offers communities the opportunity to look beyond the execution of day-to-day services and consider where they want to be in the next five years - as well as what has to be done to get there. Check back here regularly to get up-to-date information about the process and participate in multiple engagement opportunities to help shape the comprehensive plan - and South Fulton's future!

Phase Three of the Comprehensive Plan process is to determine priority projects that the City of South Fulton could implement in the Comprehensive Plan

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Phase 1

Phase 1 of this process is to determine community issues and opportunities, and if the current Comprehensive Plan strategies are meeting the needs of the community. 

Phase 2

Phase 2 of the City of South Fulton Comprehensive Plan reaffirms the vision and updates to the land use plan for the City of South Fulton. 

Phase 3

Phase 3 identifies items in the Community Work Program that the City of South Fulton may undertake in the next 5 years to implement the Comprehensive Plan.  

Transmittal Hearing

This is a formal hearing to submit the plan for State and Regional Comment.  No action is required, and the plan can be revised up to Adoption.


By October 31st, 2021

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