Project History

The US 41 corridor has been a priority of the Sarasota/Manatee MPO since the development of the 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan and continues to be a priority in the Transform 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). The US 41 corridor is one of the MPO’s Multi Modal Emphasis Corridors (MMEC) and is considered a major travel corridor in the region.

Project Limits


Project Schedule

The project will include public and stakeholder involvement throughout its duration. Major feedback points are shown below in blue. Initially, the community will indicate their preference for each of the proposed alternative concepts. Following the initial community responses, the alternative concepts will be evaluated and further defined for application at specific locations on US 41, and for additional community feedback. 

Project Timeline

Transform 2045 LogoLong Range Transportation Plan

The Transform 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) presents the transportation improvements that are needed today and in the future to help move people and goods safely and conveniently about the community. On time and consistent transit services help move people around the region and supports the creation of vibrant places, provide equitable transportation choices, and increase the accessibility of goods and services.

  About the Sarasota/Manatee MPO

The Sarasota/Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization is the regional transportation planning entity for Sarasota and Manatee Counties. MPOs are established by state and federal laws and through interlocal agreement to provide a process for local governments within the region to coordinate with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). To learn more about the Sarasota/Manatee MPO, visit

US 41 Transit Choices and Concept of Operations

Sarasota/Manatee MPO

Phone: 941-359-5772


Project Timeline

Assess US 41 Corridor

The MPO saw the need for improvement of speed, efficiency, and reliability of the US 41/ Bus Route 99. The team reviewed the 2045 LRTP's equity and livability goals, bus ridership, delay, reliability, congestion, bus performance, and local planning efforts to assess the US 41 transit system. 

Corridor Alternatives Selection and Evaluation

Three bus priority treatments are considered for the Route 99/US 41 study corridor: Transit signal priority, queue jumps, and business access transit lane. An evaluation framework was developed to guide the identification of capital and technology enhancements that will improve the speed and reliability of the Route 99/US 41 transit service.

Candidate Locations Determined

The team utilized an evaluation framework to determine the candidate locations. The evaluation identified 21 locations that are eligible for one or more of the three bus priority treatments.

Alternatives and Locations Feedback

We wanted to know your preferences for different bus priority treatments for 21 locations on US 41 and Bus Route 99 and we received them. Thank you to our participants for taking the time to respond to Survey #1 and #2.

Draft Implementation Plan

A draft US 41 Transit Choices Report was distribituted to partners, elected officials and the public for comments. The Report was open for public comment until June 1, 2021. To read the draft report, click here

Adoption of the Plan

The MPO Board adopted the US 41 Transit Choices Study on November 8, 2021. To read the final report, click here

Implementation of the Plan - Submission

The MPO has partnered with the City of Bradenton, Manatee County, Manatee County Area Transit, Sarasota County, and Sarasota County Area Transit to submit an FDOT D1 Project Application and letters of support for the US 41 Transit Choices projects.

Concept of Operations Document

A Concept of Operations document is produced early in the process to describe what the transit signal priority (TSP) will do and why. It defines goals and objective, roles and responsibilites, and sets performance assessments. The US 41 Concept of Operations was approved by the MPO Board on October 31, 2022. To read the final Concepts of Operations document, click here

Pilot Project

 A demonstration project allows for the assessment and measurement of benefits and risks without a full-scale, long-term investment. A strong performance assessment plan defined in the CONOPS document will support implementation of the demonstration project and will justify whether or not to continue investment in TSP operations. Findings from the demonstration project will be summarized in a before-and-after study.

FDOT is coordinating with Manatee County Transit and Sarasota County Transit to implement the pilot project. The project is funded in the Adopted Work Program in FY 2024.