Statewide Multimodal Freight Plan Update
Statewide Multimodal Freight Plan Update
The N.C. Department of Transportation is updating its Statewide Multimodal Freight Plan and would like your input on the final plan! The 2022 Statewide Multimodal Freight Plan identifies transportation and logistics investments that support economic growth across North Carolina.
While progress has been made on the freight-specific recommendations outlined in the 2017 plan, the 2022 North Carolina Statewide Multimodal Freight Plan update will look to the future by:
Addressing recent changes in the freight market.
Identifying ways to enhance economic development opportunities and competitiveness through more streamlined freight movement.
Improving freight system efficiency and reliability while enhancing safety and security.
Identifying and implementing new freight technologies to improve reliability and efficiency.
Meeting new federal requirements identified in the latest Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) as well as the previous requirements under the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act and Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21).
To review the Plan, please click on the following link: Statewide Multimodal Freight Plan Update
The purpose of this public comment period is to obtain your feedback on the NCDOT Statewide Multimodal Freight Plan update. Please review the Plan and provide your comments by January 8, 2023. Your feedback will be used to finalize the 2022 Statewide Multimodal Freight Plan.
Title VI Feedback
To ensure we’re hearing from a broad set of voices, would you be willing to share (completely anonymously) some information about yourself?
If so, please click here:
Project Contact
Heather Hildebrandt
North Carolina Department of Transportation
Statewide Initaiatives Supervisor