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Sign up for Engage Raleigh
The City of Raleigh engagement hub is the online home for outreach and listening efforts to shape the future of our community. Here you can find upcoming events, initiatives, and opportunities to share your input on key topics.
Create your profile to participate and customize your notification preferences on your profile page.
Sign upSurveys & Projects
Reflecting Raleigh: Transportation Survey
Reflecting Raleigh Transportation Survey
The Comprehensive Plan is a long-range policy document that outlines a vision for how Raleigh will look and feel in the future, and how the city should grow to...
2025 Police Chief Recruitment Survey
The search for Raleigh’s new Police Chief is underway. As part of the search and selection process, the City is asking for the community's input. The information you provide will help target...
Reflecting Raleigh - The Next Comprehensive Plan
Reflecting RaleighThe Next Raleigh's Comprehensive Plan
The Comprehensive Plan impacts everyone who lives, works, and plays in Raleigh and we are getting ready to update it! We will need you, the...
Meetings & Events