HAM Wasson Way to Otto Armleder PID 113603
HAM Wasson Way to Otto Armleder PID 113603
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The City of Cincinnati, in conjunction with the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), is developing plans to make it easier and safer for bicyclists and pedestrians to travel between the Wasson Way Trail in Ault Park and the Otto Armleder Memorial Park & Recreation Complex. Multiple connection alternatives were studied. Through this Virtual Open House, we're sharing our study results and recommendations for your review and comment. Public input is important and will be used to confirm which route alternatives will be selected for further development.
UPDATE (January 5, 2025): The survey portion of this Virtual Open House is now closed. During the next few weeks, the project team will be reviewing all feedback received and preparing an input summary as well as responses to questions received and suggestions submitted. When complete, these materials will be posted under the DOCUMENTS section of this site. In the meantime, the information presented on this website will continue to be available for review. Any comments received via email, mail, and phone after January 4, 2025, will be reviewed by the project team, but will not be included in the public input summary report.
This site is a self-guided tour through a series of tabs that summarize key information about the alternatives explored in the Draft Wasson Way to Otto Armleder Feasibility Study and provide you with an opportunity to share your thoughts. A copy of the full study is provided in the DOCUMENTS section of this site (on desktop devices, this is located in the sidebar; on mobile devices, this can be found near the bottom of this page).
Begin by reviewing the CONCEPT discussion. To advance between tabs, click on the blue CONTINUE button located at the bottom of the page. You can also move between pages by clicking the tabs located at the top of this discussion section. If you would like to view larger versions of any of the graphics, simply click on the image. You can share your thoughts by answering the questions that are embedded into the discussion on each tab.
This Virtual Open House will be open 24 hours a day for 45 days, closing on January 4, 2025. At that time, feedback received will be reviewed and considered by the ODOT and the City of Cincinnati, and answers to questions asked will be posted in the DOCUMENTS section soon after.
If you need interpretation or translation services or other reasonable accommodations to participate in this virtual Open House, to review materials or provide comment, please contact Katherine DeStefano, Senior Transportation Engineer, at (513) 933-6583 or Katherine.DeStefano@dot.ohio.gov.
Comments submitted by Jan. 4, 2025, will be included in the public input summary portion of the final Wasson Way to Otto Armleder Feasbility Study report. Comments can be submitted through the open houses or to the Project Contact (listed below) by email, mail, or phone.
Katherine DeStefano, P.E.
Senior Transportation Engineer
ODOT District 8
505 South State Route 741
Lebanon, OH 45036
(513) 933-6583
We want to ensure that everyone has equal opportunity to review project information, provide comment, and ask questions. If you have difficulty accessing materials in this Virtual Open House, we will email or mail copies of the content and exhibits, or can discuss them by phone or in person. Requests for these alternate review methods should be submitted to Anthony Pankala using one of the following methods:
Anthony Pankala, P.E.
ODOT – District 8
505 South State Route 741
Lebanon, OH 45036-09518
The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried-out by ODOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 14, 2020, and executed by FHWA and ODOT. For more information, please visit ODOT’s NEPA Assignment Portal by clicking here.