As the region grows and housing costs rise, Skyway-West Hill residents have shared concerns about ongoing *Displacement and Affordable Housing*. The County is evaluating strategies to develop and retain affordable housing in Skyway-West Hill and will recommend concrete actions to prevent residential displacement. For more information about these strategies, you can review the Glossary of Terms here.

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The strategies being considered at this time are listed on the left. Tell the County how excited you are about each of the strategies. If you aren't sure or would need more information, mark the circle for "need more information."

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If you are interested in learning more about these *anti-displacement and affordable housing*  strategies and participating in a community conversation about them, the Department of Community and Human Services is hosting a series of workshops. Click here for more information and to register

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Under the category of Improvements to the Skyway Business District the following policies and projects have been requested.

Please rate the importance of each request on the scale provided.

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If there is anything else under Economic Prosperity and Affordability that wasn't mentioned above, please share it here.

Closed for Comments

The Skyway West Hill Subarea Plan includes the community’s vision for the future and a series of neighborhood specific policies to guide decisions for the next 20-years.

The Community Needs List is a community-created list of services, programs and capital improvements projects that support the community’s vision. 

The short video below provides more detail.

Skyway-West Hill Subarea Plan Timeline