Sustainability, Conservation, and Master Planning

The Board of Supervisors reviewed the County's draft Climate Action Plan (CAP) in June 2020. The CAP identifies major strategies to mitigate Albemarle's contribution to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. Phase 1 of the CAP focuses on five sectors:

  • Transportation and Land Use
  • Buildings
  • Renewable Energy Sourcing
  • Sustainable Materials Management
  • Landscape, Natural Resources, and Agriculture

While the objectives in the Crozet Master Plan's Connectivity and Character chapters support the "Transportation and Land Use" sector strategies by encouraging alternative forms of transportation through urban design and land use, the recommendations in the Master Plan's Conservation chapter will more directly address the "Landscape, Natural Resources, and Agriculture" sector.

Learn more about Albemarle County's Climate Action Planning

Landscape & Natural Resource Conservation 

Certain areas of Crozet are particularly important for natural resource conservation:

  • The portion of the Crozet Development Area north of the railroad drains into Beaver Creek Reservoir, which is Crozet's drinking water supply. This includes a significant portion of the community that developed before stream buffer and water quality regulations were in effect.
  • Three streams within the Development Area are impaired, meaning that they fail to meet water quality standards: Lickinghole Creek, Slabtown Branch, and a tributary of Parrott Branch.
  • Portions of the Crozet Development Area are within the Northwest Albemarle Conservation Focus Area in the County's Biodiversity Action Plan. This area contains significant forest blocks.
  • Three additional "Important Sites" identified in the Biodiversity Action Plan include bald eagle nests near Lickinghole Basin, Beaver Creek Reservoir, and Mechum's River.

Question title

Should we prioritize the protection of certain streams, or provide additional incentives to protect certain streams in Crozet? And if so, how?

We should not prioritize protection of certain streams. All streams should meet the same requirements for stream buffer protection.
Prioritize protections of healthy streams to keep them from becoming impaired
Prioritize protections of impaired streams as a way to improve stream health
Prioritize protections of streams within the Beaver Creek Reservoir watershed
Closed to responses | 50 Responses

Question title

Which strategies, if any, do you support for incentivizing the protection of natural resources in Crozet? Select all that apply.

Density incentives for retention or restoration of additional buffer area along streams in new development or redevelopment
Density incentives for preservation of existing tree cover in new development or redevelopment
Financial incentives for property owners to add vegetation or water quality best management practices along waterways
Density incentives for provision of native plantings in new development or redevelopment
Closed to responses | 46 Responses

Question title

Are there other significant landscape features or natural resources that are important to protect? Please indicate these location(s) on this map.

Please also include a description of the resource. These can include wooded areas, wetlands, important views, etc.

Question title

Do you have any other suggestions for how Crozet can support sustainability and the County's climate action planning goals?

Closed for Comments
Landscape & Natural Resource Conservation 

Tree cover, water resources, and habitat are closely related, and strategies for protecting these resources often overlap. Maintaining large forest blocks can help support water quality and biodiversity. The health of these areas can be supported by:

  • Avoiding forest block fragmentation (creating smaller areas due to new construction) and leaving larger areas intact. This can be done by strategically clustering development.
  • Retaining or restoring native vegetation.
  • Connecting large forest blocks with vegetated corridors to allow wildlife to travel between blocks,
  • Vegetated stream buffers are important for:
    • Water quality & stormwater management: Vegetation absorbs water and filters pollutants that run off from urban areas before they enter the water. Vegetation can also absorb water and release it more slowly during the course of a heavy rain event, mitigating flooding.
    • Wildlife habitat: These buffers provide corridors that allow wildlife to travel safely between forest blocks.