CMS Community Engagement Survey

Take the survey by responding to the questions on this page. This survey has a total of 7 questions and should take about 5 minutes to complete. Your responses will help inform the Charlotte-Mecklenburg...

“We want to hear from students, parents, staff, and partners throughout Mecklenburg County. Your voices matter. What personal qualities and skills do you value in the next superintendent? Share your hopes, dreams, and expectations.”

-Elyse C. Dashew, Chairperson of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School Board

Frequently Asked Questions

Superintendents are administrators in charge of a school district. They are part of the local governing body overseeing public schools. All school principals in the district report to the superintendent. 

The superintendent is responsible for the leadership and management of a school district. The superintendent is charged with improving student outcomes by making strategic, tactical, and operational decisions and recommendations about educational programs, budget, staff, and facilities. All this is done in alignment with the school board's strategic goals while honoring specified guardrails/values.

The CMS Board of Education will collect community input from September 2022 - December 2022. This input will inform the superintendent search, which will begin in January 2023, with an expectation of hiring the superintendent by summer.

Community input gathered will be reported to the CMS School Board at their December 13, 2022 meeting.