AMATS Climate Action Plan
AMATS Climate Action Plan
AMATS, together with several partners, is creating a Climate Action Plan focused on the effects of transportation in the AMATS area on the climate. This plan will build on the city's 2019 Climate Action Plan and will measure past and current greenhouse gas emissions from the local transportation system. The goal is to identify actions to reduce emissions, address climate impacts, and ensure fairness in implementation. The plan will also include clear performance goals and a strategy for putting it into action.
Frequently Asked Questions
Climate action plans help cities create a clear strategy to lower greenhouse gas emissions and handle the effects of climate change. These plans act as guides for reducing emissions and making communities stronger and more prepared for future challenges.
The AMATS Climate Action Plan will look at greenhouse gas emissions, expected climate impacts, and what matters most to Anchorage residents. It will focus on actions that bring big economic, environmental, and community benefits.
The AMATS Climate Action Plan will highlight important actions that the city can lead and prioritize in the near future to make a big impact.
The study area is defined as the AMATS Boundary Map.
Muncipality of Anchorage
Aaron Jongenelen, AMATS Transportation Planning Manager
Chelsea Ward-Waller, PM&E Capital Improvement Program Coordinator
Resource Systems Group, Inc:
Jeff Frkonja– Principal-in-Charge
Jonathan Slason, PE–Project Manager
R&M Consultants, Inc:
Van Le, AICP – Public Involvement/Planning Support