C20-2023-029 Eliminate Station Area Amendment Filing Deadlines was approved by City Council on Dec. 14, 2023.



City Council-adopted Resolution No. 20230601-047 initiated a code amendment process to remove the Neighborhood Plan Amendment biannual filing period. Council adopted this amendment on August 31st, 2023. Prior to the Planning Commission’s hearing for the earlier amendment, it was brought to staff’s attention that this amendment would not remove the filing period requirements for Station Area Plans, including the MLK Jr. Blvd., Plaza Saltillo, and Lamar Blvd. / Justin Lane Station Area Plans.  This amendment is to address the requirements of those filing periods.  

As with the earlier code amendment, these changes are intended to prevent unnecessary bottlenecks in housing development, avoid premature application submittals to meet filing period deadlines, and deter “out of cycle” land use map amendments. 

Review and Adoption Timeline:

  • Nov. 28, 2023: recommended for appyroval by the Planning Commission on a 10-0 vote. 
  • Dec. 14, 2023: Approved by City Council on a 9-0-2 vote, with Council Member Alison Alter off the dais and Council Member Ryan Alter absent.

Case Manager Contact

Chad Sharrard, Planning Department, Chad.Sharrard@austintexas.gov

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