TIP Amendments to be presented at the GTC Planning Committee meeting on August 8, 2024, and to the meeting of the GTC Board on August 22, 2024.


Monroe County, Ontario County, Wayne County, NYSDOT and RGRTA have requested changes to the FFYs 2023-2027 TIP. The TIP Development Committee (TDC) reviewed the proposed changes on July 18, 2024 and recommends favorable action for Proposed Council Resolutions 24-38 through 24-52.


Recommended Action:

Recommend action by the GTC Board on proposed Council Resolutions 24-38 through 24-52 amending the FFYs 2023-2027 TIP.

Change in Project Schedule
1. Proposed Council Resolution 24-38 (Amending the FFYs 2023-2027 TIP by decreasing phases of the Gananda Pkwy [CR 205a] Preventative Maintenance [Rt 441 to Eddy Rd] project)
(TIP # H20-51-WA1, PIN 4WA004) – Wayne County
Decrease the Total Cost from $1,783,562 ($823,500 Federal) to $1,201,928 ($961,542  Federal).
Decrease a FFY 2024 Construction phase from $1,690,462 ($749,000 Federal) to $1,109,628 ($887,702 Federal).
Decrease a FFY 2024 Construction Inspection phase from $93,100 ($74,500 Federal) to $92,300 ($73,840 Federal).
The source of existing Federal funds is the Surface Transportation Block Grant – Flex program. Wayne County added a Non-Participating Share to this project in January 2024 to cover greater than anticipated construction costs. However, construction is nearly complete, and the county is reducing the Construction and Construction Inspection phases to anticipated costs.
2. Proposed Council Resolution 24-39 (Amending the FFYs 2023-2027 TIP by increasing the cost and federal share of the Rt 204 (Brooks Ave) from Rt 33A to Rochester City Line project)
(TIP # H17-76-MN1, PIN 420426) – NYSDOT
Increase the total cost from $8,587,000 ($2,996,700 Federal) to $10,388,738 ($8,110,990 Federal).
Increase a FFY 2024 ROWA phase from $50,000 ($40,000 Federal) to $230,000 ($184,000 Federal).
Increase a FFY 2024 Construction phase from $7,760,000 ($2,753,600 Federal) to $9,391,538 ($7,313,230 Federal).
Increase a FFY 2024 Construction Inspection phase from $776,000 ($202,100 Federal) to $997,200 ($797,760 Federal).
The source of existing Federal fund is the National Highway Performance Program and the Surface Transportation Block Grant – Large Urban. A portion of the additional funds is provided by a Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) Grant. The request for new funding is required to cover additional costs of NYSDOT interactions with Railroads, and to cover increased costs related to revised estimates for the scope of the Construction phases of the project. An offset is being provided by PIN 420426 (#2 below)
3. Proposed Council Resolution 24-40 (Amending the FFYs 2023-2027 TIP by increasing the cost of the Rt 14 over CSX Bridge Deck Replacement project)
(TIP # B20-11-WA2, PIN 401445) – NYSDOT
Increase the total cost from $3,827,200 ($2,324,100 Federal) to $5,766,400 ($4,613,140 Federal).
Increase a FFY 2025 Construction phase from $3,320,300 ($1,726,300 Federal) to $5,083,000 ($4,066,000 Federal).
Increase a FFY 2025 Construction Inspection phase from $331,800 ($265,400 Federal) to $508,300 ($407,000 Federal).
The source of existing Federal funds is the National Highway Performance Program (NHPP). Additional Federal funds are from the available balance of NHPP. The increased Construction cost reflects the most recent cost estimate.
4. Proposed Council Resolution 24-41 (Amending the FFYs 2023-2027 TIP by increasing the cost, deferring phases, and reducing the federal share of the Rt 33A over Erie Canal Bridge (BIN 4443340) project)
(TIP # B17-05-MN1, PIN 403371) – NYSDOT
Reduce the Federal share of the project from $10,600,500 to $800
Defer the FFY 2024 Detailed Design phase of $1,200,000 ($960,000 Federal) to FFY 2025.
Reduce the Federal share of the FFY 2025 Detailed Design phase from $960,000 to $0
Defer the FFY 2024 ROWA phase of $1,000 ($800 Federal) to FFY 2025.
Defer a FFY 2024 Construction phase of $10,954,200 ($8,763,400 Federal) to FFY 2025.
Increase the Construction phase from $10,954,200 ($8,763,400 Federal) to $22,854,200 ($0 Federal).
Defer a FFY 2024 Construction Inspection phase of $1,095,000 ($876,300 Federal) to FFY 2025.
Increase the Construction Inspection phase from $1,095,000 ($876,300 Federal) to $2,286,000 ($0 Federal).
Sources of existing Federal funds are the Surface Transportation Block Grant – Flex (STBG-Flex) and the Surface Transportation Block Grant – Large Urban (STBG-LU). Deferring construction is required due to delays in necessary federal approval processes, negatively impacting the project schedule, and due to changes in the project scope. NYSDOT is providing a significant Non-Participating Share as an offset for PIN 420426 (#2 above).
5. Proposed Council Resolution 24-42 (Amending the FFYs 2023-2027 TIP by increasing the cost of the Rt 33A/Rt 259 Intersection Safety Enhancements project)
(TIP # H23-60-MN1, PIN 403377) – NYSDOT
Increase the total cost from $3,874,000 ($3,486,500 Federal) to $6,461,380 ($6,294,100 Federal).
Increase the FFY 2024 Right-of-Way Acquisition phase of $14,600 ($13,100 Federal) to $260,850 ($210,100 Federal).
Increase the FFY 2025 Construction phase from $3,417,100 ($3,075,400 Federal) to $5,545,400 ($4,991,800 Federal).
Increase the FFY 2025 Construction Inspection phase of $341,700 ($307,500 Federal) to $554,300 ($499,100 Federal).
The source of existing Federal Aid is the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). The cost increases are associated with NYSDEC requirements impacting the scale of the Right-of-Way Acquisition and Construction phases. 
6. Proposed Council Resolution 24-43 (Amending the FFYs 2023-2027 TIP by increasing phases of the I-490 from Rt 204 [Exit 6 – Airport] to Howard Road Preventative Maintenance project)
(TIP # H23-41-MN1, PIN 449050) – NYSDOT
Increase the total cost from $21,356,800 ($17,407,700 Federal) to $27,136,500 ($22,609,500 Federal). 
Increase a FFY 2025 Construction phase from $17,125,700 ($15,413,100 Federal) to $22,380,000 ($20,142,000 Federal).
Increase a FFY 2025 Construction Inspection phase from $1,712,600 ($1,541,300 Federal) to $2,238,000 ($2,014,200 Federal).
The source of Federal funds is the National Highway Performance Program (NHPP). The increase reflects the current cost estimate. 
7. Proposed Council Resolution 24-44 (Amending the FFYs 2023-2027 TIP by increasing the cost of the Pavement Markings for 2026 [Westside] project)
(TIP # H20-70-R43, PIN 4T3525) – NYSDOT
Increase the total cost from $2,408,400 ($1,204,200 Federal) to $7,683,600 ($4,704,200 Federal). 
Increase a FFY 2025 Construction phase from $2,070,200 ($1,035,100 Federal) to $6,960,000 ($4,264,000 Federal).
Increase a FFY 2025 Construction Inspection phase from $310,600 ($155,300 Federal) to $696,000 ($426,400 Federal). 
The sources of federal funds are the National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) and Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). The increased costs reflect the latest estimate. 
8. Proposed Council Resolution 24-45 (Amending the FFYs 2023-2027 TIP by increasing the cost and changing the federal fund source of the Rt 18 over Northrup Creek and Smith Creek Bridge Replacement project)
(TIP # B20-24-MN1, PIN 401802) – NYSDOT
Increase the total cost from $2,646,400 ($2,117,200 Federal) to $5,777,600 ($2,371,000 Federal). 
Change the source of federal funds for the Construction phase from STBG-Flex to 
Increase a FFY 2025 Construction phase from $2,208,000 ($1,766,000 Federal) to $4,766,200 ($1,766,600 Federal).
Change the source of federal funds for the Construction Inspection phase from STBG-Flex to STBG-LU; 
Increase a FFY 2025 Construction Inspection phase from $221,000 ($176,600 Federal) to $477,000 ($176,600 Federal).
The source of relinquished Federal funds is the Surface Transportation Block Grant - Flex (STBG-Flex) program. The source of replacement Federal funds is the Surface Transportation Block Grant – Large Urban (STBG-LU) program. Increased cost reflect the latest estimate.
9. Proposed Council Resolution 24-46 (Amending the FFYs 2023-2027 TIP by increasing the cost and deferring phases of the Rt 31 from the City of Rochester to I-590 project)
(TIP # H23-49-MN1, PIN 40C104) – NYSDOT
Increase the total cost from $9,435,700 to ($3,770,100 Federal) to $12,700,030 ($3,770,100 Federal).
Defer the FFY 2025 Detailed Design phase of $104,000 ($83,200 Federal) to FFY 2026.
Defer the FFY 2025 ROWA phase of $187,300 ($149,800 Federal) to FFY 2026.
Defer the FFY 2026 Construction phase of $7,373,000 ($2,829,800 Federal) to FFY 2027.
Increase the FFY 2027 Construction phase of $7,373,000 ($2,829,800 Federal) to $10,337,300 ($2,829,800 Federal).
Defer the FFY 2026 Construction Inspection phase of $733,700 ($283,000 Federal) to FFY 2027.
Increase the FFY 2027 Construction Inspection phase of $733,700 ($283,000 Federal) to $1,033,730 ($283,000 Federal).
The sources of Federal funds are the Surface Transportation Block Grant – Flex (STBG-Flex) program and the Surface Transportation Block Grant – Large Urban (STBG-LU) program. The deferring of project phases reflects a revised schedule that reduces detouring conflicts with other active projects. Cost increases are based on the latest estimate. 
10. Proposed Council Resolution 24-47 (Amending the FFYs 2023-2027 TIP by adding the RGRTA Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Buses and Associated Facility Upgrades project)
(TIP # T24-15-MN1, PIN 482362) – RGRTA
Add a new project with a Total Cost of $22,641,490 ($18,113,192 Federal).
Add an Other phase of 22,641,490 ($18,113,192 Federal).
The source of Federal funds is the FTA Section 5339 Bus and Bus Facilities Program. This project will enable RGRTA to purchase three hydrogen fuel cell electric buses and upgrade existing facilities to meet code requirements to store, maintain, and fuel hydrogen fuel cell electric buses.
11. Proposed Council Resolution 24-48 (Amending the FFYs 2023-2027 TIP by adding the EV Charging Infrastructure Improvements on Main St [Churchville] project)
(TIP # O24-01-MN1, PIN NEVI17) – NYPA
Add a new project with a Total Cost of $780,000 ($195,000 Federal).
Add a FFY 2024 Other phase of $780,000 ($195,000 Federal).
The source of Federal funds is the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program. This project provides funding to the New York Power Authority (NYPA) for the operation and maintenance of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure on Main Street in the Village of Churchville, Monroe County. This location provides charging access along New York’s targeted EV Alternative Fuel Corridor (AFC) I-490.
12. Proposed Council Resolution 24-49 (Amending the FFYs 2023-2027 TIP by increasing the cost and federal share of the Monroe County Highway Preventive Maintenance [No. 10] project)
(TIP # H20-55-MN1, PIN 4MN012) – Monroe County
Increase the total cost from $8,527,100 ($5,928,800 Federal) to $9,643,325 ($7,714,600 Federal). 
Increase a FFY 2024 Construction phase from $7,835,800 ($5,375,800 Federal) to $8,952,025 ($7,161,600 Federal).
The sources of Federal funds are the Surface Transportation Block Grant – Flex (STBG-Flex) program and the Surface Transportation Block Grant – Large Urban (STBG-LU) program.
13. Proposed Council Resolution 24-50 (Amending the FFYs 2023-2027 TIP by increasing the federal share of the Monroe County RTOC Operations [FFY 2024] project)
(TIP # O24-17-MN1, PIN 4TMC24) – Monroe County
Increase a FFY 2024 Other phase from $800,000 ($640,000 Federal) to $1,275,000 ($1,020,000 Federal).
The source of Federal funds is the Surface Transportation Block Grant – Flex (STBG-Flex) program. State matching funds are provided by NYSDOT. The cost increase is due to rising expenses for labor, vehicles, facility maintenance and operations, and system maintenance.
14. Proposed Council Resolution 24-51 (Amending the FFYs 2023-2027 TIP by increasing the cost and federal share of the Monroe County RTOC operations [FFY 2025] project)
(TIP # O23-01-MN1, PIN 4TMC25) – Monroe County
Increase FFY 2025 Other phase from $800,000 ($640,000 Federal) to $1,276,000 ($1,020,800 Federal).
Decrease FFY 2025 STBG-Flex Funds from $640,000 to $0.
Increase FFY 2025 CRP-LU Funds from $0 to $1,020,800.
The source of the relinquished Federal funds is Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) Flex program. The source of the proposed Federal fund is the Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) Large Urban program. The cost increase is due to rising expenses for labor, vehicles, facility maintenance and operations, and system maintenance.
15. Proposed Council Resolution 24-52 (Amending the FFYs 2023-2027 TIP by increasing the cost of and adding supplemental phases to the Tileyard Rd over Flint Creek Bridge Replacement project)
(TIP # B20-01-ON2, PIN 4ON006) – Ontario County
Increase the total cost from $1,820,600 ($1,456,480 Federal) to $2,188,750 ($1,751,000 Federal). 
Add a supplemental FFY 2024 Construction phase of $327,750 ($262,200 Federal)
Add a supplemental FFY 2024 Construction Inspection phase of $40,400 ($32,320 Federal).
The source of Federal funds is the Surface Transportation Block Grant – Off-System Bridge (STBG-OSB) fund. The increased cost reflects actual bids.


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