Question title

Drag and drop an icon on the map to provide feedback on key destinations that you frequent, and issues and ideas regarding biking, walking, and rolling in Rancho Cucamonga.

Connect RC legend

Question title

Please select the area that you live in.

Planning Communities Map
Alta Loma
Central North
Central South
Red Hill
Outside of Rancho Cucamonga
Closed to responses

Question title

How often do you walk/bike to get to a destination?

5 or more days per week
3 - 4 days per week
1 - 2 days per week
Less than 1 day per week
Closed to responses

Question title

What is the main reason you have walked or biked in Rancho Cucamonga?

More convenient than driving
Less expensive than driving
For recreation
It's healthier
Better for the environment
No driver's license/No access to a car
Closed to responses

Question title

With which race do you mostly identify?

Select all that apply.

Black or African American
White or Caucasian
American Indian or Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Asian or Asian American
Closed to responses

Question title

Please select your ethnicity. Select all that apply.

Hispanic/ Latino / Latina

Central American
Mexican / Mexican American / Chicano
Puerto Rican
South American
No Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity
Other Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity
Closed to responses

Question title

Please select your ethnicity. Select all that apply.

Non Hispanic / Latino / Latina

African American
Asian Indian / South Asian / Indian
Eastern European
Middle Eastern
More than one ethnicity
Closed to responses

Question title

What is your gender? Please select one.

Prefer not to answer
Closed to responses

Question title

What is your age? Please select one.

Under 19
19 - 24
25 - 34
35 - 44
45 - 54
55 - 64
65 and over
Closed to responses

Connect RC

Community Workshops 

We invite you to attend any of the community workshops listed below to answer questions and provide input on potential improvements to guide the implementation of safer, multimodal streets for Rancho Cucamonga’s neighborhoods. 


There will be three workshops to accommodate the schedules of all Rancho Cucamonga community members. Each meeting will follow the same format, so if one of the dates doesn’t work for you, just choose from the other two options.  


If you can’t make it to any of the meetings, don’t worry! There are still ways for your voice to be heard.  If you'd like to provide a comment by email or phone, please contact or call 1-909-774-4024.


Watch for more ways to get engaged later in the process!