Make Recommendations to City Council

March/April 2024: The Realignment Working Group will make recommendations to City Council. 

Realignment Working Group - Group coordinated and lead

January 2024: The Realignment Working Group (RWG) presented the survey findings at the January 23, City Council meeting (see the RWG tab to view full report and presentation). 

November 2023 - RWG presents the Board Member Experience Survey findings to the Boards and Commissions Committee. 

September 2023 - Current: The Realignment Working Group (RWG) is meeting monthly to analyze the survey results and make recommendations to City Council. 

Working Group - created by Staff

April- September 2023: Staff created and hosted a Working Group with facilitator Aisha Adams.  Five monthly meetings were held and per feedback from the group;

The proposal was removed from consideration and the focus shifted to improving upon what was in place and the need for more data before recommendations could be accepted or made.

As an actionable result, the Working Group began drafting the survey to be sent to current and past board members. 

Community Workshops

March-April 2022: the City hosted four workshops with community members; and the City Council held a  Work Session to hear an update and provide feedback.  The proposal was revised based on feedback. 

Proposal Introduced and Shared

February 2022: the City hosted two focus groups: 1) all board chairs and vice chairs; and 2) identified stakeholders.  The proposal was discussed and revised based on feedback. 

Challenges identified and a proposal was created

May-December 2021: challenges were identeid and staff workshopped a proposal to address some of the challenges to get feedback from City Council, staff liaisons, and the community. 

The proposal was presented to each Council member individually.  The proposal was revised based on feedback.