Design Review Committee
Design Review Committee
Please visit the Design Review Committee webpage ( for current information, to access agendas, meeting materials and information on past meetings.
The Design Review Committee was created to perform design review for all major works in the River District Design Review area, the Central Business District, and hotels outside of those areas.
City Council appoints all nine (9) members of the Design Review Committee, with three members selected from the Downtown Commission, three members selected from the Asheville Area Riverfront Redevelopment Commission (AARRC), and the remaining three members appointed at-large.
A full description of the Committee can be found here.
Map of Design Review Areas (note that Local Historic Districts are under the purview of the Historic Resources)
Additional information about meeting schedules and dates will be posted as it becomes available.
For additional information, please contact Will Palmquist.
Regular Scheduled Meetings
The Design Review Committee meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 12:30 p.m. in the 1st Floor North Conference Room of City Hall (70 Court Plaza). Pre-meetings are held at 12:15 p.m. in the same location. Pre-meetings are open to the public but public comment will not be accepted during the pre-meeting.
Public comment for the regular meeting will be accepted by the following means:
- In-person: Presentations by the public shall be limited to a maximum of 3 minutes for individuals and 10 minutes for a group’s primary spokesperson.
Written public comments: may be submitted by email to Comments should be submitted by 5 p.m. the day prior to the meeting.
Meetings are also available to livestream online via the City's YouTube channel.
NOTICE: The Design Review Committee will hear public comments only on agenda items. All public comments received prior to the deadline will be provided to the Committee but may not be read aloud or played at the meeting.
Special Meetings
The Design Review Committee has no special meetings scheduled at this time. Pre-meetings are held at 12:15 p.m. in the same location. Pre-meetings are open to the public but public comment will not be accepted during the pre-meeting.
Public comment for the regular meeting will be accepted by the following means:
Pre-recorded voicemail comments by calling 855-925-2801 Enter Code 9410
Written public comments, please see meeting specific email on the Engagement Hub, or use the general DRCPublic Input email:
Live Call-in: Call toll-free to listen to the meeting on your phone: Call 855-925-2801 Meeting Code: 9410 and follow the prompts to join the live speaker cue.
NOTICE: Virtual public comments are only accepted for Meetings held virtually. See below for regularly scheduled meetings.
The Design Review Committee will hear public comments only on agenda items. All public comments received prior to the deadline will be provided to the Committee but may not be read aloud or played at the meeting.
Design Review Committee Meeting - January 19, 2023
The regular meeting will begin at 12:30 p.m. in the 1st Floor North Conference Room of City Hall (70 Court Plaza). There will be a public pre-meeting at 12:15 p.m. in the 5th Floor Large Conference Room.
Please visit the Design Review Committee webpage ( for the agenda, meeting materials and additional information on how to participate.
Past Events
Design Review Committee Meeting - January 16, 2025
The regular meeting will begin at 12:30 p.m. in the 1st Floor North Conference Room of City Hall (70 Court Plaza). There will be a public pre-meeting at 12:15 p.m. in the same location.
Please visit the Design Review Committee webpage ( for the agenda, meeting materials and additional information on how to participate.
Design Review Committee Meeting - September 19, 2024
The regular meeting will begin at 12:30 p.m. in the 1st Floor North Conference Room of City Hall (70 Court Plaza). There will be a public pre-meeting at 12:15 p.m. in the same location.
Please visit the Design Review Committee webpage ( for the agenda, meeting materials and additional information on how to participate.
Design Review Committee Meeting - August 15, 2024
The regular meeting will begin at 12:30 p.m. A pre-meeting will be held at 12:15 p.m. This will be a virtual meeting which the public can access by any of the following means found at
Watch the live stream through the City of Asheville Public Engagement Hub at or the City YouTube Channel at
Pre-recorded and written comments will be provided to committee members prior to the meeting. Only live comments will be played during the meeting.
Pre-submitted written public comments: (closes at 5:00 p.m. day before the meeting).
LIVE speaker queue during public comment: 855-925-2801 and enter code 9410; Hit * and option 3.
Please visit the Design Review Committee webpage ( for the agenda, meeting materials and additional information on how to participate.
Design Review Committee Meeting - July 18, 2024
The regular meeting will begin at 12:30 p.m. in the 1st Floor North Conference Room of City Hall (70 Court Plaza). There will be a public pre-meeting at 12:15 p.m. in the same location.
Please visit the Design Review Committee webpage ( for the agenda, meeting materials and additional information on how to participate.
Design Review Committee Meeting - June 20, 2024
The regular meeting will begin at 12:30 p.m. in the 1st Floor North Conference Room of City Hall (70 Court Plaza). There will be a public pre-meeting at 12:15 p.m. in the same location.
Please visit the Design Review Committee webpage ( for the agenda, meeting materials and additional information on how to participate.