Happening Now 

We’re making significant progress on the installation of the new stormwater system along Patton Avenue and Carter Street. Here’s what to expect in the coming weeks:

  • Lane Closures: Until the roadway is ready for repaving, there will be intermittent lane closures in the area as crews finalize the stormwater system installation.

  • Traffic Flow Update: Starting next week, traffic will be maintained in both directions along Patton Avenue, which should help ease travel in the area.

  • Paving and Concrete Work: Final paving and concrete work will depend on weather conditions, and we’ll provide updates as timelines become clearer.

Thank you for your patience as we work to improve the stormwater infrastructure in this area. Please drive with caution and watch for crews as they complete the remaining work


Moderate to heavy rain storms create localized flooding near the intersection of Carter St., Patton Ave., and S. Ann St.  A new stormwater system will be constructed within the public right-of-way on Patton Ave. that connects existing stormwater systems on Carter St. and N. French Broad Ave. to the existing storm system on Pearl St. via S. Ann St.  New inlets along Patton Ave., Carter St., and S. Ann St. will provide additional street drainage to reduce ponding and the associated spraying of vehicles and pedestrians during storms.


Improvements being made throughout this project:

  • Reduced area flooding and stormwater system upgrades

  • New ADA-accessible sidewalks on Patton Ave.

  • New high-visibility crosswalks in the project area

  • Street resurfacing with manhole utility cover adjustments

  • Lamp posts in keeping with existing historic style

  • Planting trees on Patton Ave. more suited to thrive in an urban setting. (The trees will be replaced in the fall during their optimal planting season.)


Pedestrian safety improvements will be made to the intersection of Patton Ave. and Clingman Ave. in coordination with NCDOT. Additional ADA accessibility improvements will be made to the sidewalks along Patton Ave. 


This project is being performed by the Public Works Stormwater Division in advance of scheduled resurfacing of this portion of Patton Ave., in coordination with the Public Works Streets Division.


March 2025: Project completion

February 2025 - Paving of Patton Ave. and Carter Street

December 2022: Construction starts

Winter 2022: Community outreach for anticipated construction schedule.

Summer 2022: A walking tour and virtual information session were held as part of community outreach.

Winter 2021 / 2022: Final Design

Fall 2020: Community questions and outreach via publicinput.com

Summer 2020: Preliminary Design

February 2019: Issued Request For Qualifications (RFQ) and selected design consultant

Contact Information

Nicole Peterson, Project Manager