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Arts & Cultural Resources: Rank your top three (3) priorities.

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Economic Development & Innovation: Rank your top three (3) priorities.

Closed to responses | 1,118 Responses

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Growth & Natural Resources: Rank your top three (3) priorities.

Closed to responses | 1,108 Responses

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Organizational Excellence: Rank your top three (3) priorities.

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Safe, Vibrant & Healthy Community: Rank your top three (3) priorities.

Closed to responses | 1,128 Responses

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Transportation & Transit: Rank your top three (3) priorities.

Closed to responses | 1,109 Responses

The City of Raleigh has an adopted Strategic Plan that helps to guide work under six key focus areas. These areas are:

Arts & Cultural Resources: Embrace Raleigh’s diverse offerings of arts, parks, and cultural resources as iconic celebrations of our community that provide entertainment, community, and economic benefit.
Economic Development & Innovation: Maintain and grow a diverse economy through partnerships and innovation to support large and small businesses and entrepreneurs, while leveraging technology and providing equitable employment opportunities for all community members.
Growth & Natural Resources: Encourage a diverse, vibrant built environment that preserves and protects the community’s natural resources, strives for environmental equity and justice, and encourages sustainable growth that complements existing development.
Organizational Excellence: Foster a transparent, nimble organization of employees challenged to provide high quality, responsive, and innovative services efficiently, effectively, and equitably.
Safe, Vibrant & Healthy Community: Promote a clean, engaged community environment where people feel safe and enjoy access to affordable housing and community amenities that support a high quality of life.
Transportation & Transit: Develop an equitable and accessible citywide transportation network for pedestrians, cyclists, automobiles and transit that is linked to regional municipalities, rail and air hubs.

Question title

How would you prioritize funding for these key focus areas?

You can elect to prioritize all six key focus areas or just a few.

Closed to responses | 1,047 Responses

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