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Community Advisory Committee

Community Advisory Committee

Due to being short-staffed the sub committee quarterly meetings are postponed until further notice. We will resume discussions with our sub-committees when we are fully staffed or to seek targeted feedback on our planning efforts

Regularly Scheduled Meetings

The Community Advisory Committee meets quarterly on the 4th Tuesday of the month, January through October, and the third Thursday of the month, November and December.  Meetings are typically held in the Training Room of 4700 Elmore Road between 2:30pm-4:30pm.



January 23, 2024


February 27, 2024 - Special Meeting


March 11, 2024 - Special Meeting #2


April 23, 2024

Meeting Link

Call-in Number: 1-907-519-0237 Conference ID:   569 141 38#

In-Person: Permit Center, 4700 Elmore Drive, Training Room

July 23, 2024 - Canceled   
October 22, 2024 - Canceled   


Please send your comments on agenda items to staff at 48 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting. You can alternatively leave us a voicemail at 855-925-2801 code 4562. Comments will be submitted to the committee members and posted in the Public Comments column​​ of this table.


Past Annual Calendars

2023 Meetings

Member Seats

The Community Advisory Committee is the community forum for transportation planning. The committee consists of 11 voting members appointed by the Policy Committee, 6 of those members fill a seat representing each of the Assembly districts.


  1. District 1: Downtown Anchorage - S.J. Klein   

  2. District 2: Chugiak/Eagle River - Matt Cruickshank - Chair

  3. District 3: West Anchorage - Vacant

  4. District 4: Midtown Anchorage - Diana Evans

  5. District 5: East Anchorage - Mike Rehberg

  6. District 6: South Anchorage - Nancy Pease     

  7. Anchorage Chamber of Commerce - Kathleen McArdle         

  8. Chugiak/Eagle River Chamber of Commerce - Chuck Homan             

  9. Federation of Community Councils - Bob French        

  10. Planning & Zoning Commission – Jim Winchester

  11. Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson - Tor Andersen

There are currently no upcoming meetings for this committee.

Past Events
