April 2024 Transportation Department Public Meeting
April 2024 Transportation Department Public Meeting
Provide comments on public input topics or learn how to participate in the hybrid public meeting for April 2024. The deadline to submit a comment or question related to these topics is Wednesday, May 8, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. unless otherwise noted below.
Comments relevant to and received during specific public comment periods are provided to the RTC in advance of any meetings where they are scheduled to take action on the relevant policy, plan or program. All comments received outside these formal public comment periods, regardless of the topic, are compiled into a monthly report and presented to the RTC in advance of its next regularly scheduled meeting. These comments are accessible to the public in the RTC meeting agendas, public meeting minutes and monthly comment reports on the NCTCOG website.
Contact Us or Submit Comments and Questions
Email: nctcogApril24@PublicInput.com
Phone: (855) 925-2801 (Enter code 10201)
Fax: (817) 640-3028
Mail: P.O. Box 5888, Arlington, Texas 76005-5888
Additional information about these topics may be found below in the files tab near the bottom of the page.
Mobility 2050: The Metropolitan Plan for North Central Texas
NCTCOG is working on the next long-range Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). Staff has initiated the development of Mobility 2050 and will provide an overview of key considerations and public input opportunities. For more information, visit: nctcog.org/PlanInProgress.
DOE Multimodal Delivery Project
NCTCOG is participating in a City of Arlington led effort to test and evaluate new mobility options to deliver essential food items to underserved communities. These deliveries will be made by a combination of vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) drones, 6-foot-long battery powered drones that can carry nearly nine pounds, and autonomous delivery robots with a cargo bay. Staff will provide information about the project, upcoming demonstration opportunities, and more.
Regional Roadway Safety Performance Targets Update
As the Metropolitan Planning Organization for North Central Texas, NCTCOG is required to set regional targets for roadway safety. These targets are used to track and report on the region’s performance through existing documents such as the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), and the State of the Region report. Staff will provide an update on the proposed 2024 safety targets.
Bridging Highway Divides for DFW Communities Federal Grant Award
Through the Neighborhood Access and Equity (NAE) grant program, the US Department of Transportation (USDOT) recently awarded NCTCOG $80 million to build the foundational infrastructure for four pedestrian connection projects in the area. Building upon what already exists, Klyde Warren Park and Southern Gateway Park are expansion projects. New investments are located near McKinney’s downtown on SH 5 and Dallas IH 30. Every project will improve residents' options for non-automotive transportation and reduce or remove major highway barriers.
Vehicle Emissions Reduction Initiatives
Staff will present strategies for reducing air pollution, including information about the Car Care Awareness (CCA) campaign and Engine Off North Texas program. CCA educates vehicle owners and the general public about proper vehicle maintenance practices, Engine Off North Texas aims to mitigate the effects of unnecessary vehicle idling. Citizens can actively contribute to improving regional air quality by reporting heavy-duty vehicle idling. For more information, visit: nctcog.org/trans/quality/air/For-Everyone.
Interactive Public Input: Map Your Experience
NCTCOG’s Transportation Department is accepting public input through an online map tool. Help us plan for the future by letting us know how the region’s transportation system can better serve you. Share your transportation experience at nctcog.org/mapyourexperience.
Air Quality Programs and Funding Opportunities
NCTCOG has several regional air quality programs and initiatives to reduce air pollution in North Central Texas. In addition, funding opportunities and incentives are available for projects that reduce air pollution from vehicles and equipment or help improve energy efficiency. More information: publicinput.com/nctcogAQ.
Try Parking It
Try Parking It is a FREE commuter tracking and rideshare website, where commuters in the DFW area are incentivized for choosing an alternative trip than driving alone. If you ride a bike or walk, take a bus or rail, work from home, take your lunch to work, or even carpool or vanpool, you can earn points for your commutes. Create an account and redeem your points for over 2,500 rewards today on TryParkingIt.com.
Business Engagement Program
Are you a business owner or an employee of a local business in the Dallas-Fort Worth region? Sign up for our department’s quarterly e-newsletter to stay informed on transportation and air quality initiatives that may impact you or your business: publicinput.com/nctcogbusinessengage.
April 2024 Public Meeting
Attend in person or watch the presentations live at www.publicinput.com/nctcogApril24. A video recording will be made available afterward.
Need a ride to the public meeting? Request a $6 roundtrip ride from the DFW CentrePort Station to NCTCOG with the Arlington Transportation app! Download the app at: www.arlingtontx.gov/ondemand.
For special accommodations due to a disability or language translation, contact 817-695-9255 or jcastillo@nctcog.org. Reasonable accommodations will be made.
Para ajustes especiales por discapacidad o para interpretación de idiomas, llame al 817-695-9255 o por email: jcastillo@nctcog.org. Se harán las adaptaciones razonables.
- Mobility 2050.pdf
- DOE Multimodal Drone Delivery Project.pdf
- DOE Multimodal Delivery Showcase Flyer.pdf
- Regional Roadway Safety Update.pdf
- Bridging Highway Divides for DFW Communities Federal Grant Award.pdf
- Vehicle Emissions Reduction Initiatives.pdf